Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear (insert the name of your beloved one here) Happy Birthday to you!
Everyone has a birthday that means everyone that you know is worthy of celebration every year. It’s okay, that’s somewhat over the top. However there are plenty people worthy of topping cakes with candles!

Birthdays can be a challenge due to the fact that like we said, everybody has one! Include a memorable message to make your birthday card special and individual.

Here’s a list of hilarious ways to let people in your life know that you thought of them (and were happy to celebrate) their birthdays with smiles! No matter if you’re trying to make an acquaintance or lover, a friend or a coworker giggle We’ve got you covered with these hilarious birthday card messages below!

Mom All of my issues stem from you. I wouldn’t want it any different way! Happy Birthday!
Moth – err: (noun) Cheap therapist and the best friend. Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Birthday to a mom who has the most wonderful son/daughter anywhere in the world!
I received it from my mom Absolutely amazing!

Happy Mother’s Day! Thanks for the unending love and the great looks! I’m not sure what I would do without you!
Sing the A-llama! Today, we’re celebrating Mama! Thanks for being such a joyful and compassionate person I’ve ever had in my life. You’re amazing!

Funny Birthday Messages for Dad

I think that being a parent is a gift in itself. You’ve been lucky! Happy Father’s Day!
Happy Father’s Day! Let you catch all your fish and drink every drop you can of beer and perform whatever else dads like to do!
Dad, thank you for sharing your genetic heritage. We’re both so amazing!
It’s not necessary to tell jokes about your age at the time of your birthday. In fact, it’s no longer funny! Happy birthday, old man.
Hello dad! Today’s going be fantastic! This isn’t your dad’s birthday celebration, if you know what I’m talking about. It’s mine! Get it? (I believe I’ve got Dad jokes covered!)
Thanks for the support, Dad! Happy Beer-th Day! Have a drink for me.

Funny Birthday Messages to Brothers and Sisters

Happy Birthday to you sis! Thank you for getting beyond that embarrassing stage that you were in.
Even in the event that you weren’t my one sister, you’d likely still be my number one! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you, brother! Don’t forget that I’ll be around when you fall and I’ll help you get back up, but only after I’ve finished laughing!
A Happy Birthday To the world’s most Perfect Brother! We love you dearly!
Thank you for your birthday and congratulations! You’re the oldest person you’ve been, which is impressive.

Funny Birthday Wishes to Step-Mom/Dad/Siblings

My Happy Birthday! wickedly cool stepmom!
I’m so grateful that you have stepped in my world! Happy Father’s Day!
Happy birthday to my brother who is from another mom!
A Happy Birthday To My Sister from a different mister!

Funny Birthday Messages for Aunt/Uncle

Nine out of 10 females learn their amazingness via their mother! Thanks for being a great aunt!
Aunt, how are you pleased that I didn’t forget about your Birthday this time around?
Happy Birthday! Thanks for fulfilling your destiny being your Fun Uncle!
Sir, you are an awesome uncle. Three cheers for great uncles! Hip Hip HOOOO!

Funny Birthday Messages for Grandma/Grandpa to Grandma/

The world requires more sweet mothers like you. Grandchildren shouldn’t be spoiled!
Grandma, you’re amazing. Thank you for always providing me with the things my mom told me I shouldn’t have!
I love that we don’t need to shout to each other that you’re my most favorite grandchild and that you’re my most beloved grandpa. Happy birthday to you on this very special day!
It’s been proven scientifically that those with more birthdays are healthier. Look at your grandpa! go!
You’re not old. You’re traditional! Congratulations on your birthday Grandpa!

Funny Birthday Messages to Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend

There aren’t any cakes to your birthday cake since all your desires were fulfilled when you got to meet me!
I’d be willing to walk through flames for you! It’s not really fire, it is a bit risky but it’s a humid space. Perhaps a room that is slightly humid due to my hair. However I love you very greatly. Happy Birthday!
I like your smile! Happy Birthday!
You’re the winner! I got you a super special, limited-edition, present. Surprise! It’s me.
Intelligent, funny and smoking hot. Okay I’m done! Happy Birthday!
You can make any wish, you’re celebrating your birthday! What else do you possibly want? You’ve got me. It’s a joke, but I hope every birthday wish you have will come true!
The words from Dwight Schrute, “I just would like to have a conversation with you and an more. Also I cherish you!” Thank you for being my most trusted friend and so much more. Happy Birthday! Dundie award is yours!

Funny Birthday Messages for Co-Workers

A free birthday cake for you at work! And Happy Birthday!
I remember your birthday! (Without using Facebook!)
Making Happy Birthday songs is the greatest effort I’ve put into this week!
Happy birthday to one of those rare people that I am able to endure every day!

Funny Birthday Messages for Boss

Boss, in celebration of your birthday, we’re all having a day off to be happy!
You’re not boss over me! Okay, fine. Whatever. Happy Birthday!
2 Things to remember on your Birthday: 1.) Let the past go – you cannot change it. 2.) Don’t think about the present. I didn’t get you one. Happy Birthday!
Happy agingas a boss!

Funny Birthday Messages for the best friend

It’s all about today! It could continue for long periods of time…
We’ll be friends for the rest of our lives! I know you too well already. Happy Birthday!
Wine and age: two aspects that should not be taken into account today.
We’ve been close friends for so long I don’t know which of us is the worst influence. Happy Birthday!

I was aware of your birthday long before Facebook even informed me. You must be very special!
You’re one year older! The bad news is that it’s all going downhill for you from this point on. A happy birthday! believe? 🙂
Go and go you’re my bestie’s birthday! We’re going to party… Oh, I was a bit caught up! We’re looking forward to birthday celebrations of the past and present!

Funny Birthday Wishes for you the Barista You Know Too Well

It’s hard to express how important your friendship is to me!
If you are ever doubting yourself do not forget that BREW can do it! Happy Birthday!
Thank you for a latte that made an amazing beverage! Happy Birthday!
I’ll try my best to always have room to you during my daily routine! Happy Birthday!

Funny Birthday Messages for Roommate

I’m glad you were born. My life would be utterly monotonous without you!
Happy Birthday! Your age isn’t old but neither are you getting any older!
Make sure you clean your dishes. Happy Birthday! Love Your (sometimes angry) roommate
I’d dive across the ocean to help you! (Just kidding. There’s likely sharks there. However, it’s the thought that matters.)

Funny Birthday Wishes to Your the pet owner of your dog, cat or other pets

I wish you an amazing day! I’ll be sure to woof you!
We wish this cute cat a wonderful birthday full of mice napping, and scratches.
Happy Birthday, little Bun! Don’t forget that a bunny loves you!
Are you ready to purr? !

Birthday Jokes for children

How did the Tiger tell her cub on the day of his birthday? It’s the roar of his birthday! Make it a wild birthday.
What was the reason why the cupcake went to the doctor’s appointment? It was swollen and tense.
Did the teddy bear really want cake for his birthday? He was not, he was full.
What type of dessert are ghosts fond of? I Scream Cake.
What do turtles do for his birthday? Shell-ebrates.

Everyone loves a funny birthday joke! Although kids might not like a touching message on an elegant birthday card they certainly love the fun of a pop-up! Check out our Kids Cards Variety to learn more.
Birthday Jokes for adults

Why do candles love birthdays? They are a fan of being lit.
What is the best way for pickles to celebrate birthdays? They love the celebration!
What do you do to tell if you’re getting older? You begin to complain about “the kids of today”!
The party won’t start…until you enter!
What did the grape’s words say to his guests who attended his birthday party? Eat drinks, eat, and just be a berry.

Visit Obscenity Cards to view their fantastic range of rude birthday cards.

50th Birthday Jokes

You’re not old, just a bit old.
How do you, and the dinosaur are in common? Both are prehistoric!
You’re getting older like a good wine Let’s celebrate it with an entire glass!
You are a piece of history sunk in the past? Because you never age!
You might be a little older however, you smell very clean to me!

There’s nothing better than a humorous birthday greeting card that makes someone you love laugh! We’ve got the perfect one for you”Happy Birthday To An Old Fart Pop-Up Card is guaranteed to bring laughter.

Dad’s Birthday Jokes

There are people who never get older. You’re one of them. Ask mom if you don’t believe me!
Dad, you’re the personal chauffeur and my bank account in one. This is why I cherish you! Happy Birthday.
Another year, you’re not old, just like your favourite car A timeless classic!

Corny Birthday Jokes

What kind of music would be unsettling to use for balloons on birthdays? Music from the pop genre!
What food do monsters serve up at their birthday celebrations? I’m screaming for cake.
Did you know about the sale on birthday candles? It was a huge event!
Why can’t the ponies sing Happy Birthday? He was a little loud.
What can you tell whether a cake for a birthday is sad? If it’s in layers

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